Bio / Contact
Anu Majumdar first came to Auroville in 1979 where she has worked in several areas including the Matrimandir construction site and as a dancer-choreographer with the Auroville Dance Lab Her books include Refugees from Paradise and God Enchanter, (fiction), Island of Infinity and Infinity Papers (YA) Mobile Hour and Light Matter (poetry). Her poems and stories have been anthologized, written for choreography, for art installations and published in Prairie Schooner, The Punch Magazine, Scroll and Arts Illustrated and others. Auroville: A City for the Future is her ninth book.
Praise for Anu Majumdar’s books:
Auroville tells the story of caravan style days when a city of the future was dreamt from the red earth of Tamil Nadu. Charting the journey from those pioneering times, Anu Majumdar interweaves individual stories along with the Mother and Sri Aurobindo’s expansive vision, giving us an insider’s perspective into this most extraordinary utopian experiment. Written with wisdom and diligence, this is an indispensable chronicle of the continuing adventure that is Auroville.
- Tishani Doshi on Auroville: A City for the Future
This is an insightful take on a bold and enigmatic experiment: a city with a dream to meet the challenge of the world.
- Anita R Ratnam on Auroville: A City for the Future
God Enchanter ranks among those novels in recent years which engage with the harsh realities of the world today and leave us with a message of hope. It proves that literature survives hate and wars,
and through literature, life.
- Tabish Khair on The God Enchanter
Funny, quirky, poetic:
- Yann Martel on Refugees from Paradise
Wise and yet refreshingly unpretentious
- India Today on Refugees from Paradise
Majumdar creates an evocative search for personal spirituality… remarkable for its intensity.
- The Telegraph on Parallel Journeys